January 4, 2024

Labour TD Calls Gardai to One Woman Protest

December 12, 2012 eblaney

“…We need a Constitution that will protect our children and guide the courts to make decisions that keep families together and that are in the child’s best interests.  I know the people of West Cork would welcome the opportunity to say ‘yes, we value childhood’ and ‘yes, Ireland values all children and their rights’.” Labour Deputy Micheal McCarthy, Cork Nov 2011

In one sense, it would be hard for anyone to disagree with the sentiment expressed by Labour Deputy Michael McCarthy back in November 2011, prior to the referendum. However a lone parent who is the mother of an autistic boy last week attempted to highlight her dissatisfaction with the proposed cuts to the Carer’s allowance certainly didn’t feel the love when she went to Deputy McCarthy’s constituency office in Dunmanway last week.


Ms. Charis has her own website at www.GaiaCharis.com [Read More]

Three resign in one week, but there should be hundreds more.

July 4, 2012 eblaney

We are not even remotely surprised when we hear of bankers, financiers or people in the financial services industry of being involved in criminal activity. What sets this apart from all other cases to date is the speed at which the chairman, chief executive officer and chief operations officer all resigned. This article examines why and what can be done to eradicate so called ‘white collar’ crime. [Read More]

Radical Proposals, Not More Of The Same Financial Guff

June 4, 2012 eblaney

In his recent article published in The Guardian newspaper, the acclaimed journalist and author Mr. Will Hutton suggests that part of the solution to the crisis would involve a situation whereby “…Central banks should inject money into their financial systems by offering to buy new bank loans made to support new investment, new innovation or new infrastructure – helped by partial government guarantees”. I fundamentally disagree with him and all the other ‘solve a debt crisis with more debt’ proponents. Here I present my own radical proposals that people need to start considering Lets start a real conversation to challenge accepted ‘wisdom’. [Read More]

The Last Word.

May 31, 2012 eblaney

I simply do not believe that Enda Kenny, who has spent the last ten years TOTALLY focused on rebuilding his party and getting it elected to Government can possibly have the mental capacity nor indeed [Read More]

Can Eur 62,000,000,000 Buy You Influence?

May 24, 2012 eblaney

The only way out now is for massive debt write off and for the peripheral regions of Europe to leave the euro zone, albeit temporarily, and introduce a common Euro2 Currency. If this were to be adopted, it would mean that the countries which become party to this new currency would have a marketplace of approximately 250,000,000 people who share this currency and it would enable the rebuilding of these countries’ economies. This economic rebuilding and consolidation would take less time and cause significantly less human hardship than the austerity plan presently being put forward by the European Union and our own government.

The fact is that if the Euro collapses German exports will be approximately 40% (Frances +30%) more expensive than they are now and this would decimate the German economy. This is the reason Germany is doing everything and anything to take total control of the European Union. [Read More]

Another EU Summit, Another EU Failure

December 13, 2011 eblaney

The recent machinations by the EU to resolve the economic crisis by taking advice from bankers and financiers is akin to holding an AA meeting over a few pints in the local pub and they will have just about as much success.

However, it is obvious that the EU politicians, unelected officials and those in the financial services sector are suffering from an addiction. Their addiction to power, control, ego and personal financial gain, has destroyed the lives, hopes and aspirations of tens of millions of people Just like every other addict, the Eurocrats immediately condemn anybody who begins to suggest that it is they who may be a big part of the problem. [Read More]

What is Really Going on in Europe?

November 15, 2011 eblaney

So we have reached the point where the Irish government is ineffectual and powerless in relation to the running for what is supposed to be our Democratic Republic of Ireland. What’s more, the parliament in the European Union is also powerless and ineffectual in relation to the drama is unfolding in Europe. Make no mistake about it, as we approach the end game of this financial disaster our real masters are those in the financial services industry and their media and political insiders. [Read More]

The solution to this crisis is in our hands – Sunday Independent

July 11, 2010 eblaney

Have you noticed the endless stream of economic experts telling us about things we don’t understand, in a language we have never heard? For example, you may have heard the term ‘quantitative easing’ mentioned, which actually means ‘printing more paper money’. What it does not tell you is that this is effectively money borrowed today from our taxes tomorrow. There are 100’s of similar examples. These so-called economic experts are the very people who could not forecast the largest economic collapse in the history of the State. These are the same people who told you that house prices would continue to rise. These are the people who talk about “green shoots of recovery”. These are the people who have consistently lied to you, whether this was maliciously or through incompetence, you can decide yourself. [Read More]
