January 4, 2024

Christmas Can Be Magical….

December 18, 2015 eblaney

It’s so good to see so many people in such good form, particularly those that you may not have seen for over a year, return for their annual visit home having had made a new life abroad, unfortunately in a lot of cases, not by choice. But they are home, the Craic is mighty and it’s like everybody has decided that the cares of the world can be left behind and it’s time to enjoy life to the full. [Read More]

When is Equality not Equality? When it’s RefCom2015

May 20, 2015 eblaney

If this referendum was truly about equality and nothing else, it would probably be carried by ninety-five percent of those who will vote. However, after spending the last couple of weeks researching the implications of the proposed amendment and speaking to countless numbers of people both LBGT and heterosexual, I am convinced that there is considerably more to this than simple equality. [Read More]

Whatever You Say, Say Nothing….

March 12, 2015 eblaney

The biggest changes in history which relate to the welfare of all the people in society, started out with somebody voicing what was then considered a controversial opinion. Consider the abolition of slavery, the granting of the vote for women, the decriminalisation of homosexuality, the introduction of contraception and indeed, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights itself. These and countless other pivotal moments in the development of our civilised society resulted from those who have the courage of their convictions and regardless of the cost to themselves, they stood by what was right not always what was convenient. [Read More]
